
Smartsheet Core: New Boards Created in Workspace Panel Now Default to Board View

by Product Marketing

July 30, 2024

Starting July 30, 2024, any new boards you create in Smartsheet via the workspace panel will now default to board view instead of card view.

This update makes it easier for you to discover and enjoy the all-new board view experience, which offers a number of key benefits:

  • Real-time Collaboration: Keep your team aligned and focused on high-priority tasks in a space where you can collaborate in real-time.

  • Enhanced Efficiency: Tailor the board view to meet your team's unique needs, boosting overall efficiency.

  • Visual Management: Visualize related work using subtasks in a dynamic interface, ideal for managing Agile projects or for those who prefer not to work with spreadsheets.

Board view deployed alongside the classic card view so that users can easily switch back and forth between the two as needed. Board view is in active development and we will continue to update the feature with valuable enhancements over time.

Board view is available for users on all plans in and

Board view can be accessed in any sheet with one or more single-select dropdown, single-select contact or symbols column from the existing layout switcher.

Learn more about the board view in our help article. Learn More

Environments availability: Commercial US, Commercial EU

Plan type availability: All plans

Board Global Create